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Your GeneXus System to AWS Serverless in 5 Steps

Your GeneXus System to AWS Serverless in 5 Steps

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I am Martin Barreto, Technical Director of BigCheese. In this post we are going to guide you to take your GeneXus system to a serverless architecture on AWS in five key steps.

Step 1: Containerization with Docker

Start your transformation by embracing containerization. Use Docker to package your GeneXus application and all its dependencies in containers. To further optimize, consider using Deployment Units in GeneXus, encapsulating your solution along with its dependencies. This not only facilitates application management, but also ensures consistency throughout the lifecycle.

Or you can follow an automated process of creating this encapsulation with Jenkins.

Step 2: Security with GAM

Make security a priority by using GeneXus Access Manager. GAM provides a robust security framework that seamlessly integrates with GeneXus and AWS, ensuring the protection of your services and systems in serverless architecture.

Security in AWS is very important, I recommend reading our article AWS Infrastructure, how to take it to the next level.

Step 3: Files in S3

Leverage Amazon S3 to efficiently manage files in your GeneXus application. Forget the headache of storing them in a database or your file system. Serverless file storage in S3 ensures scalability, durability and secure access. Configure retention and access policies to meet your specific application requirements.

Step 4: Batch Processes

It demystifies the idea that batch processes are not compatible with serverless architectures. Migrating batch processes such as generating reports and sending emails to AWS Step Functions and AWS Lambda or AWS Batch functions is completely feasible. It leverages scalability and parallel execution to optimize these processes, eliminating the traditional limitations associated with batch processes.

Step 5: IC/DC

Implement a continuous development flow using AWS CodePipeline. Configure pipelines that integrate containerization, security, file management and batch processes. Use GXServer to manage deployment to different environments such as QA, UAT and PROD. Orchestrate the entire process with Jenkins, ensuring a controlled and efficient implementation.

We help you move your GeneXus system to a serverless architecture on AWS

At BigCheese, we are committed to driving innovation and technical excellence. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our team of experts.

Thank you for joining us on this exciting journey into the future of serverless architecture on AWS!

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