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The solution for CIEMSA – Radars of Uruguay

Integrated technologies:

Amazon RDS, AWS Lambda, Amazon S3, Amazon API Gateway, AWS IAM, AWS CloudFront, AWS Fargate, Amazon ECS, Amazon ECR, AWS CloudFormation, AWS CloudDeploy, AWS CodeCommit.

CIEMSA – Radars of Uruguay

The Ministry of Transport and Public Works of Uruguay is a government entity in charge of the regulation, planning and development of the country’s transport systems and public infrastructure. Its mission is to ensure efficient and safe transportation, in addition to overseeing the execution of public works that contribute to national development. On the other hand, Ciemsa is a renowned Uruguayan company that operates in various areas of engineering and construction. Its focus is on offering comprehensive solutions ranging from planning and design to project execution and maintenance, collaborating with partners in the public and private sectors.

The challenge

The Ministry of Transportation faced a considerable challenge in managing its speed camera inventory. Traditionally, information on speed camera locations, operational status and other critical details was scattered across multiple spreadsheets, making it difficult to update and access in real time.

This disorganized approach prevented efficient monitoring and maintenance of the devices, which is essential for road safety and violation management. The main challenge was to centralize and synchronize this information so that it could be easily accessible and updatable at the national level, thus facilitating decision-making and rapid response to failures or maintenance needs.

AWS applied in this challenge

The results


National Coverage: The system now manages 100% of the speed cameras throughout the national territory, ensuring comprehensive and uniform coverage. This allows for consistent control and monitoring in all regions, improving incident response capacity and road infrastructure planning.


Extensive Data Capture: Currently, 80% of traffic in Uruguay is recorded in this system, generating a considerable volume of valuable data for analysis. This information is crucial for strategic decision making, planning road safety improvements and optimizing traffic flows through adjustments in signaling and the implementation of corrective measures.


Improved Operational Efficiency: There has been an 85% improvement in the time to identify speed camera malfunctions, thanks to access to an updated real-time inventory and detailed maintenance records. This improved efficiency allows the Ministry to respond quickly to failures, reduce downtime and ensure that radars are operating optimally to maintain safety on the roads.

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