The solution for Fundasol
AWS technologies:
Amazon S3, Amazon Cognito, Amazon CodePipeline, Amazon CodeCommit, Amazon CodeBuild, Amazon CodeDeploy.

Fundasol is a non-profit organization in Uruguay that contributes to the associative efforts and development of micro and small enterprises. Provides the necessary support to create, consolidate, develop companies and enhance their business capabilities, through the provision of a comprehensive, efficient and permanent service of: Training, Business Advice and Microcredit.
The challenge
Gather all the information needed to apply for a loan for rural micro and small businesses in remote areas of Uruguay without internet connection. To be able to collect all the information for the application offline (in situ) and send it to Fundasol’s systems as soon as an area with internet connection is accessed. The ultimate goal is to facilitate access to finance for rural dwellers, no matter how remote the part of the country where they are located.
AWS applied in this challenge
The results
Each credit analyst reduced their monthly effort, given the ease of data collection on the tablet versus paper, as well as the automatic synchronization of data rather than having to manually generate and upload it to a spreadsheet.
The possibility of errors in the transfer of data between paper and Fundasol’s backend was completely eliminated, as it is now a 100% digital and automatic process.