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We finish this 2021 Maridando en las Nubes. AWS in Uruguay.

We finish this 2021 Maridando en las Nubes. AWS in Uruguay.

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For a long time we wanted to #devirtualize our clients, we wanted them to meet our team after so many Zooms and Asanas.

Getting together to talk about almost anything but work was the premise. The beer pairing was the excuse for Sommelier Jesús María Graña Rebori to tell us about its origin and some of its secrets.

AWS in Uruguay

Between pairings and pairings Florencia Polcaro Infanzón, Sebastián Grattarola and Fernando Martínez Ruíz spoke about the past, the present and the future of BigCheese – Software Consulting Services. They talked about how we maintain our first customer, our obsession with operational excellence, our commitment to the DevOps culture, the challenge of continuing to grow without losing the essence, our rich and stable team and the strong support of our customers. AWS in Uruguay.

Thank you team, thank you customers for joining us for another year. Thanks to Metroveinte Gestión Cultural, Piqui Gastaldi and Silvana Bergson Rozenbaum for the impeccable organization. Deborah Gelber media genius. Thank you Scale with AWS Partners for all the support received. Thank you Martin Acuña for recording everything.

Cheers! Here’s to a 2022 full of cloud travel!

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