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The Impact of GenBI on QuickSight

The Impact of GenBI on QuickSight

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I’m Uriel Grosso, AWS Solutions Architect at BigCheese, and I had the privilege of being one of the panelists at the interesting AWS Buenos Aires event about Data and Analytics combined with Gen BI in QuickSight. I want to share with you my feelings and the best I experienced in these enriching talks full of knowledge and inspiring perspectives.

The event was, without a doubt, an excellent space for exchange among expert colleagues in the world of Data Science. The presentations by QuickSight specialists allowed us to immerse ourselves in a world of possibilities, delving into the use and features of this data analysis service. But what really blew me away was the glimpse into the future provided by the QuickSight roadmap.


GenBI in QuickSight

Among all the innovations to come, there is one that has undoubtedly generated a significant impact: GenBI. This revolutionary feature will give users the ability to create and visualize dashboards and functions using natural language. You’ll even be able to generate business reports with narrative included! This will mark a before and after in the way companies approach data analysis. It will facilitate the adoption of the service by customers who may not have extensive experience in working with and modeling data, opening new doors to decision making based on solid information.

Moreover, the experiences shared by other panelists and by Nubiral in our joint talk reaffirmed QuickSight ‘s position as an exceptional data analytics service. Its evolution over the years has been notorious, and regardless of the size of the organization or its level of maturity in terms of data, working on a data management strategy has become essential to ensure the continuity and evolution of any business. In this sense, QuickSight and other Data ecosystem services within AWS serve as catalysts for “time to market,” accelerating the development of solutions and projects.

In summary, the Buenos Aires event was an enriching experience that made it clear that the world of data and analytics is constantly evolving, and QuickSight is leading this change. GenBI is just one example of how innovations transform the way we interact with data. Data strategy has become crucial at all levels of organizations, and QuickSight is establishing itself as a powerful ally in this journey.

AWS “PoC” Program – Proof of Concept:

In this context of transformation and acceleration, AWS has a special program called “PoC” (Proof of Concept). This program aims to stimulate companies wishing to get into QuickSight’s GenBI and accelerate their business through data-driven decision making, projections and predictions that minimize the risk of indispensable innovation.

Through the PoC program, companies can access tangible benefits that will facilitate their adoption of GenBI and help them make the most of this powerful tool. Some of the benefits include:

Personalized advice: A team of experts will be at your disposal to guide you in the implementation and use of GenBI in your operations.

Training resources: Access to educational materials and specialized training for your company’s personnel.

Exclusive Discounts: Special offers and discounts on AWS services related to GenBI.

We invite you to contact us for more information about this AWS incentive program. We are here to support your journey towards data-driven decision making and driving your business through innovation.

Uriel Grosso, Solutions Architect for AWS at BigCheese

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