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Serverless with AI on AWS

Serverless with AI on AWS

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Serverless with AI on AWS: A Meeting with the AWS UG Montevideo Community

Last Wednesday September 13th we had the pleasure to open our doors to welcome the growing AWS User Group community in Montevideo in a meetup full of serverles mixed with AI. Special thanks to Héctor Fernández, Emil Santurio and Exequiel Barrirero for being organizers and volunteers of the Meetup, their enthusiasm is contagious, we can’t wait to have them with us again.

We leave you the link of the group so that you can join the next one:

“Video dubbing using Serverless with AI”.

In this interesting meeting, one of the highlights was the fascinating talk by Marcia Villalba, Principal Developer Advocate Amazon Web Services (AWS) Serverless. Marcia took us on a full-speed journey in which artificial intelligence became the real protagonist. He explained how, by leveraging the powerful tools of AWS, it is possible to perform video dubbing in an amazing way. Here, AI technologies such as Polly and SageMaker (among others) took center stage, demonstrating how they can revolutionize the production of high-quality content in a completely unprecedented way.

Building scalable, resilient and serverless event-driven architectures on AWS

And we didn’t stop there, because our expert, Diego Peroni, Operation Engineer at BigCheese, gave a thorough walkthrough of best practices for building scalable, robust and resilient architectures, all leveraging the power of AI on AWS! With his advice, we learned how to save time and resources in the management and maintenance of your servers. Basically, how to take your AWS infrastructure to the next level.

This event was a veritable feast of knowledge on how to power AWS with artificial intelligence combined with Serverless. We are excited about the possibility of collaborating again with the AWS User Group community in Montevideo in the future.

We thank everyone who made this success possible and hope you will join us at future meetings to continue exploring together the endless possibilities of artificial intelligence on AWS.

Serverless Services with AI and Machine Learning on AWS

If you’ve been wanting to investigate more about serverless with AI on AWS, here’s a list of free machine learning services on AWS to experiment with.

AWS provides the most comprehensive set of machine learning services and cloud infrastructure, giving developers, data scientists and expert professionals the resources they need to power their machine learning projects.

Text-to-Speech (TTS) – Text-to-Speech (TTS) Conversion

Convert text into a realistic voice and add speech generation capabilities to your applications.

Speech-to-Text – Speech-to-Text Conversion

Endow your applications with the ability to transform speech into text, improving accessibility and interaction.

Machine Learning

Develop, train and deploy machine learning models quickly and efficiently, boosting the intelligence of your applications.

Automatic Translation

Use a neural machine translation service to translate text, facilitating communication in multiple languages.

Free Machine Learning Product Offerings for combining Serverless with AI on AWS

Amazon Polly – Convert Text to Speech

Amazon Polly is a revolutionary service that converts text into realistic speech. This not only allows your applications to talk, but also opens the door to the creation of new product categories that take advantage of this amazing capability.

Free Level:

  • 12 months of free use so you can explore and develop your applications.
  • The offer includes an allocation of 5 million converted characters per month, allowing you to launch interesting projects without worrying about upfront costs.

Amazon Transcribe – Speech to Text Transformation

Amazon Transcribe uses an advanced deep learning process known as automatic speech recognition (ASR) to convert speech to text quickly and accurately. This service gives you the ability to easily transcribe conversations, audio recordings and more.

12 months of free use

  • The offer includes an allowance of 60 minutes of transcription per month, allowing you to work on multiple projects without incurring upfront costs.

Amazon SageMaker – Creating and Implementing Machine Learning Models

Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed service that puts the ability to create, train and deploy machine learning models at the fingertips of everyone from data scientists to developers. With this powerful tool, you can take your machine learning projects to the next level.

Free 2 month trial:

  • During the first two months, get access to resources, including:
    • 250 hours per month of t2.medium notepad usage.
    • 50 hours per month of training time on m4.xlarge instances.
    • 125 hours per month of hosting time on m4.xlarge instances.

Amazon Textract – Automatic Text and Data Extraction

Amazon Textract is a machine learning (ML) service that automates the extraction of text, handwriting and data from scanned documents. This tool makes it easy to obtain valuable information from your documents effortlessly.

3 Months Free:

  • The offer includes the ability to process up to 1000 pages per month, allowing you to work on a wide variety of documents.

Amazon Textract is the ideal solution to accelerate your document-related workflows and extract information accurately and efficiently.

Amazon Kendra – Intelligent Enterprise Search

Amazon Kendra has the ability to navigate across multiple content stores using its advanced integrated connector technology.

Details of the 30-Day Free Offer:

  • 30 days of free usage to experiment with Amazon Kendra Developer Edition.
  • Up to 750 hours for the first 30 days to explore the full search capabilities that Amazon Kendra has.

Amazon Personalize: Online Experiences Tailored to You

With Amazon Personalize, you can take personalization to a whole new level. This service allows developers to create applications powered by the same machine learning (ML) technology that uses to provide personalized recommendations in real time.

2 Months Free Offer:

  • The offer includes generous resource allocations, such as:
    • Data processing and storage: up to 20 GB per month.
    • Model training: up to 100 hours per month.
    • Real-time recommendations: up to 50 transaction per second (TPS) hours of real-time recommendations per month.

Amazon Rekognition: Automate Image and Video Analysis

With Amazon Rekognition, simplifying image and video analysis in your applications just got easier. This scalable deep learning service, backed by proven technology, allows you to integrate visual analytics without requiring machine learning expertise.

12 Months Free:

  • The offer includes the ability to analyze up to 5000 images per month.
  • In addition, you can store up to 1000 face metadata per month.

Amazon Lex: Powering Conversation with AI-Powered Chatbots

Amazon Lex is presented as a service that allows you to develop conversational interfaces with voice and text for any application.

12 Months Free Offer:

  • The offer includes the ability to make up to 10,000 text requests per month and 5,000 voice requests per month.

Amazon Comprehend: Natural Language Processing

Amazon Comprehend emerges as a natural language parsing (NLP) service that uses Machine Learning to discover information and connections in text, all without the need for prior machine learning experience.

12 Months Free:

  • The offering includes the ability to analyze up to 50,000 text units (equivalent to 5 million characters) per API per month.
  • In addition, you can make up to 5 theme modeling jobs, each up to 1 MB in size, each month during the first year.

Amazon Translate: Venture into the World of Translations

Amazon Translate stands as a neural machine translation service that provides high-quality, affordable and fast language translation.

12 Months Free Offer:

  • The offer allows you to translate up to 2 million characters per month without incurring costs during this period.

In short, AWS free product offerings allow developers and users to explore a variety of advanced services for a specified period of time without incurring upfront costs. These offerings include Amazon Polly for text-to-speech conversion, Amazon Transcribe for converting speech to text, Amazon SageMaker for creating machine learning models, Amazon Textract for extracting text and data from documents, Amazon Kendra for intelligent enterprise search, Amazon Personalize for personalizing online experiences, Amazon Rekognition for automated image and video analysis, Amazon Lex for conversational AI in chatbots, Amazon Comprehend for natural language processing, Amazon Translate for neural machine translation, among others. Each service has generous allocations during the free period, providing the opportunity to explore and develop projects without financial worries.

Take advantage of these offers to power your applications and projects with the power of AWS.

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