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AWS DATA DAY Montevideo

AWS DATA DAY Montevideo

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AWS Data Day Montevideo was a moment of pause to reflect on how data can speak for us. During the presentations, it was explained how to use AWS tools to get the most out of information and, in this way, drive innovation by making strategic decisions based on data. Here is the video of the AWS Data Day Montevideo.

The Hotel Costanero was the venue where, last Thursday, June 8, we kicked off this day of learning and reflection on the use of data as a driver of innovation in companies.

The AWS team:

We thank Amazon Web Services (AWS) for their valuable collaboration in the organization of this event. BigCheese is proud to have hosted this successful AWS Data Day Montevideo, which was attended by outstanding professionals from the AWS team such as Hernan Aguirre, Paula Korcarz, Jimena Agasi, Melody Nardini, Mariana Ledesma and Julieta Ansola Berreaute.

We also extend our thanks to our clients, who generously shared their knowledge and experience in the fascinating world of data.

Presentations at AWS Data Day Montevideo:

  • Our CBO, Engineer Pablo Innella, opened the event with an essential question: How are we leveraging our data? It was a moment of pause to reflect on how data can speak for us.
  • Matias Orrico, Analytics & AIML Sales Specialist at AWS, gave an enriching presentation, sharing concrete cases of how data drives innovation in various industries. He also revealed the immense potential of AWS tools to take Business Intelligence to the next level.
  • The day continued with the intervention of Engineer Sebastian Grattarola, CTO of BigCheese, who presented the ingenious AWS tool: “Amazon QuickSight Deep Dive”. During this session, we explore in depth the use of this powerful Amazon Web Services data visualization tool. Sebastian highlighted how QuickSight enabled a deeper and more agile understanding of key information for our operations, enabling us to make better, data-driven decisions.

After a day full of learning and reflection, the crucial question arose: What are you doing with your data? At BigCheese, we fervently believe in the power of data to transform businesses, discover insights and unlock new opportunities.

At BigCheese we will continue to empower your company towards success based on intelligent information. Together, we build the data-driven future.

Contact us if you want to know more.

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