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Inception workshop for budgeting a project

Inception workshop for budgeting a project

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When the issue is more about communication than technology….

We have detected in the last leads received that they are looking for us as a technological solution for a project that they still do not know exactly what it is. It happens, it is logical, one tends first to see who might be the builder of the house and how much it would cost before knowing exactly what house you want. Faced with the classic question: how much does a house cost? the builder will answer… How many meters? 25 square meters in the middle of the countryside is not the same as 105 square meters in the middle of Pocitos. Where will it be? What materials? What is your budget? When do you want it? How are you going to do the layout of the house? How many walls, how many bathrooms? etc., etc. Some clients are clear and know these answers, others do not know and do not have to know because they are not in the business. The builder will suggest that you talk to your architect to meet and try to understand what you want. And if what you want makes sense and is best for the objectives of the project.

The INCEPTION WORKSHOP is to see together what you want, how, when and what we recommend. And above all, understand who is going to live in that house, what they need, what they like and what they feel, let’s not forget to understand what motivates and excites them.

After knowing who it is for, what they need, what they expect and the most rational part: the meters, the materials, the construction system, the place where the house will be “housed”… only then will you be able to give them a budget. Of course, all this if you don’t want what everyone warns you about to happen to you, that the budget will skyrocket. Or if you want to create a product for your customer and not for you…(who is not your customer!).

Inception + tailor-made workshop is the service we offer to design together the project and then build it. To follow by example, architect and builder in one team.

In addition, this format helps the whole team to feel part of it and to create the habit of collective thinking. It is important that this inecption workshop brings together the stakeholders involved in defining the project. After having the project defined, we develop it to measure, we “build the house”.

The inception workshops will be used for the 1st stage, to size the project by creating an action plan. With this list of actions we move on to the 2nd stage, implementation. Think together to create the action plan in backlog format . Translate these actions into a capillary backlog for subsequent team budgeting and implementation using, for example, Asana.

Our METHODOLOGY consists of taking the time to think, research, discuss and design a strategic solution map, all in teams, through workshops.

We will describe the tasks, assigning responsibilities according to the available resources and with deadlines, so that everyone is aware of the missing tasks.

Quantity: There can be between 4 and 8 sessions of 1 hour and 15 minutes each (preferably in the morning).

Location: it can be face-to-face, blended or online.

Intensity: maximum 2 sessions per week to let the ideas decant.

STAGES OF INCEPTION based on Design Thinking:

1st: we describe the user, what his name is, what technology he uses, what he is doing at the moment of consumption. Define your Customer Journey.

2nd: we identify the problem problem that hurts the most. Creativity, sometimes, is not in the solution but in the identification of the problem.

3rd: definition of design and usability with a benchmark benchmark and subsequent brainstorming from the best examples.

4th: we take up the ideas put forward in the brainstorming session and we refine them until we have the detailed detailed functionalities to create the to create the action plan.

5th: we create the backlog of the action plan to size the project as a whole.

WE DELIVER a backlog for the MVP:

A backlog with the definition of the tasks for the first version.

These tasks will serve as a roadmap and will have their assigned priority and the number of hours required for development (and therefore, their budget).

With this list of functionalities, the project and its implementation can be sized.

NOTE: We can develop a customized solution in any technology. We have more than 10 years of experience with: GeneXus, java, AWS, elastic, MySQL, SQLServer, DynamoDB, Angular, React, etc….

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