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Our AWS Financial Services are certified

Our AWS Financial Services are certified

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AWS Financial Services Competency

We are very proud to announce that BigCheese has been certified by Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a Financial Services Specialist (AWS Financial Services Competency). This achievement demonstrates our commitment to excellence in the financial sector and reinforces our expertise in the complexities of the specific challenges faced by companies in this sector. And particularly in our region, as we are the first in Uruguay and the fourth in Latin America to obtain it.

In the financial world, organizations face additional challenges in meeting regulatory requirements, ensuring security, data protection and high availability of their services. In addition, it is crucial to understand the regulations imposed by the central banks of each country.

With this certification, the BigCheese team reaffirms its knowledge and experience in the financial sector. And always, without losing our customer-focused approach and our ability to work as a team, we would like to give special thanks to Jose Miguel Rojas Pena, Omar Ashton, Maximiliano Brarda, Lucas Artaza, Renan de Souza ☁️ Souza and all those who have contributed their knowledge to help us achieve this important milestone.

We love working with companies convinced that technology is a fundamental tool in the development of their business. We want to feel like the technology partner of the financial sector that chooses AWS as its take-off platform.

AWS Financial Services

Our financial services on AWS

1. AWS DevOps for financial services:

AWS DevOps for Financial Services is a service that optimizes collaboration between development and operations in the financial industry using Amazon Web Services. Automates and streamlines the software development process, offering continuous integration, automated deployment and testing, as well as real-time monitoring. In addition to driving efficiency, it addresses security and compliance by providing automated checks and access control. With DevOps, financial organizations accelerate their software delivery while maintaining high levels of security and compliance. For more details, visit AWS Financial Services.

2. AWS Secure Cloud Migration

Secure Migration to the AWS Cloud is crucial for financial institutions with high security and compliance standards. The migration ensures data security and compliance through encryption and multi-factor authentication. We comply with regulations such as HIPAA, GDPR and PCI DSS, essential for institutions under supervision. Cloud Migration on AWS offers a complete solution to migrate in a secure and agile way, leveraging security protocols and best practices, reducing risks and optimizing benefits. Crucial for maintaining confidentiality and compliance in the financial sector.

3. AWS Security Reference Architecture

The AWS Security Reference Architecture (SRA) provides comprehensive guidelines for deploying AWS services across multiple accounts. In line with AWS CAF principles and the Shared Responsibility Model, SRA allows financial institutions to adjust protection as needed. Centralization and records strengthen security. In summary, SRA offers a comprehensive approach to strengthening workloads and regulatory compliance in finance, using AWS services and specific guidelines to ensure architectural robustness in all aspects.

4. AWS cloud-native financial apps.

From conceiving an idea to the final version of the product, this service starts with a day of immersion in innovation to create and continuously improve the app, from its online launch to updates.

AWS Financial Native Cloud Apps, a merger of AWS DevOps and AWS Financial Services, is designed to assist financial organizations in creating, developing and launching cloud-native applications on AWS. This provides tools and best practices to create secure and reliable apps, taking advantage of the scalability and flexibility of the cloud.

The solution ensures security, scalability and managed costs, accelerating development, reducing lead times and achieving agility and savings, while maintaining security and compliance. For more details, see AWS Financial Services.

5. AWS Machine Learning Innovation

AWS Machine Learning solutions empower financial institutions to leverage ML for relevant insights, automation, and improved customer experience. This drives growth and innovation. They cover fraud detection, risk management, compliance, personalization and more, using powerful AWS tools such as Amazon SageMaker, Amazon Rekognition and Amazon Comprehend.

To this end, financial organizations can employ services such as Amazon SageMaker to quickly create, train and deploy ML models. Amazon Rekognition analyzes image and video, while Amazon Comprehend processes natural language to analyze text data.

Leveraging AWS ML, financial institutions stay ahead of the curve, driving their digital evolution, growth and innovation.

Explore AWS Machine Learning solutions for finance.

Bonus track:

Innovation in financial services with AWS and BigCheese: from idea to deployment

The Open Banking paradigm in Uruguay and its current status

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