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The solution for Flokzu

AWS technologies:

Amazon RDS, Amazon VPC, Amazon Billing, Amazon KMS, Amazon EC2.


Flokzu is a company founded in Uruguay in 2011 that specializes in business process management (BPM) software. Leaders in the field, they have a highly customizable and scalable online platform that helps companies automate and optimize their business processes to improve efficiency, productivity and profitability.

The challenge

Re-engineer the network architecture by reinforcing the resources running in the cloud, ensuring their correct operation and designing a migration plan with the least possible impact on the end customer. In connotation with such reengineering, optimize costs without losing performance.

AWS applied in this challenge

The results


Ten issues detected as high risk were resolved, thereby increasing the security and reliability of the platform.


The perimeter of the infrastructure was secured, applying the best practices of the Well Architected Framework.


A Disaster Recovery Plan was implemented to restore the servers in the event of a disaster within 1 hour, with 0 data loss.

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