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The solution for Avedian

AWS technologies:

Amazon Aurora, AWS CodePipeline, Amazon RedShift, Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, AWS CloudTrail, AWS Cloudwatch, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, AWS Workspaces, AWS VPC, S3, SNS, SES, KMS, ELB

Third Party Services:

InfluxDB, Vuls, Telegraf, Chronograf, Kronograf, Slack, GitHub, GXserver, Terraform


Avedian is a company that develops technological solutions for the use of Related Diagnostic Groups in the clinical economic management of healthcare institutions. It also implements results-based payment and contracting models.

It helps physicians and healthcare managers to develop value-based healthcare models, optimizing the decision-making process.

The challenge

Create and scale Avedian’s technology ecosystem with a performance-centric approach by integrating different solutions with the goal of improving patient care and optimizing treatment costs.

AWS applied in this challenge

The results


We optimized the time required to synchronize Excel files of gigabyte sizes on the platform, reducing it from over 4 hours to 15 minutes, added data and consistency checks, and designed a better experience for end users.


Detailed tracking and new metrics are continuously generated to help accelerate technical and commercial responses to all types of events.


As new hospitals and other healthcare institutions are added to the ecosystem each quarter, the platform automatically scales as needed, without impacting the user experience and ensuring real-time data availability.

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