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IA/ML Data

BigCheese offers an advanced AI/ML Data service on AWS, focused on transforming decision making and trend prediction. We understand that an effective data strategy is crucial to ensure reliable and accurate information. Our collaboration with clients involves developing and refining this strategy, ensuring optimal data collection and analysis. We use cutting-edge AWS technologies to design customized solutions that anticipate future market requirements. This approach enables businesses to significantly improve their performance by making use of actionable insights generated through AI modeling.


In the race against the competition, speed is key. With BigCheese, the cloud is not just technology; it’s your strategic advantage to lead with agility.


Data Driven Adoption

To compete effectively in today’s economy, companies must embrace a ‘Data Driven’ culture. BigCheese facilitates this critical adoption, enabling organizations to make decisions based on sound data analytics, thereby improving their decisional accuracy and operational efficiency. This is the first essential step in becoming a data driver.


Big Data Assessment

Once the data-driven culture is adopted, BigCheese performs a comprehensive Big Data Assessment. This process evaluates existing data assets, determines their relevance and potential to drive strategic decisions, and suggests ways to optimize their use. It is a fundamental analysis to establish a solid and strategic database.


IA/ML Data PoC

With the appropriate data identified, we developed an AI/ML Proof of Concept (PoC). This PoC shows how predictive and machine learning models can solve specific business challenges, providing a preview of the real, tangible benefits that AI can deliver in real-world situations.


Data & AI/ML Ops

Progressing beyond PoC, BigCheese establishes robust and scalable Data and AI/ML operations. This service ensures that AI systems operate at maximum efficiency, with continuous management of data flow and quality, supporting the growth and adaptability of the system to new demands and data.


Business Insights

With operations fully up and running, we began to extract deep business insights. This service converts volumes of data into actionable insights, supporting informed and strategic decision making. These insights can reveal market opportunities, operational efficiencies and potential risks.


GenIA Implementation

Finally, we implemented GenIA, integrating artificial intelligence to generate content. This step finalizes the transformation to a fully ‘Data Driven’ entity, where AI continuously optimizes all areas of the business, from logistics to customer interaction and market strategy.

BigCheese offers AI/ML Data on AWS to transform decisions and predictions. We collaborate on precise data strategies, using advanced AWS technologies for customized solutions that anticipate market demands.

Predict.future with AWS and BigCheese.

BigCheese is a pioneer in using Data to make your business Data Driven. We fell in love with the problem so that together we could use this new technology to create value by differentiating ourselves from our competitors.

Integral Big Data Strategy:

With BigCheese, you will develop a solid Big Data strategy that serves as a foundation for informed decision making. We leverage advanced technologies to collect, process and analyze large volumes of data, ensuring that decisions are backed by reliable data.

Total Certification:

Our entire in-house team is 100% AWS certified, ensuring that every aspect of your migration and modernization project is handled by experts with up-to-date knowledge and skills.

Implementation of Data Ops:

BigCheese implements Data Ops to streamline data management, from integration to delivery. This practice improves quality and reduces the data lifecycle, resulting in faster and less error-prone processes, crucial for dynamic environments.

ML Ops optimization

We specialize in ML Ops to manage and scale the production of machine learning models. This includes everything from development to implementation and monitoring, ensuring that the models are effective, efficient and easily upgradable.

Implementation of Data Lakes:

We develop Data Lakes that centralize your data in a single accessible and secure repository, facilitating advanced analysis and data integration. This allows different departments to access and analyze information in a consistent and efficient manner.

Data-Driven Innovation:

We foster a culture of continuous innovation in which the strategic use of data drives the development of new products and improves existing ones. With BigCheese, data intelligence becomes a key driver for innovation and sustained growth.


to your questions

How much does it cost to implement an AI/ML project at BigCheese?

The cost varies according to the complexity and specific requirements of the project. We provide an initial evaluation to estimate expenses, ensuring that they fit your budget and needs.

What is a Data Lake and how can it benefit my company?

A Data Lake is a centralized repository that allows you to store all your structured and unstructured data at scale. Facilitates advanced analytics and data-driven decision making, optimizing business operations and strategies.

How does BigCheese develop a data strategy for my company?

We work with you to understand your business objectives and operational challenges, designing a data strategy that integrates data collection, analysis and data-driven actions to drive growth and efficiency.

What is GenIA and how does it integrate into my existing infrastructure?

GenIA is our general artificial intelligence solution that integrates into your operations to automate processes and provide real-time insights, improving your company’s efficiency and responsiveness.

What is data mining and how is it applied?

Data mining involves exploring large data sets to discover patterns and relationships. At BigCheese, we use these techniques to help you forecast trends, improve your products and personalize the customer experience.

How does BigCheese handle data migration from other clouds?

We offer a complete migration service, managing the transfer of your data from other cloud platforms to AWS in a secure and efficient manner, ensuring integrity and minimal operational disruption.

What are the benefits of implementing AI/ML with BigCheese?

Implementing AI/ML improves automation, predictive accuracy, and service customization. These improvements lead to a more efficient operation and greater customer satisfaction.

How does BigCheese ensure that the data in the Data Lake remains secure?

We implement strict security measures, including encryption at rest and in transit, and granular access controls to protect your data in the Data Lake from unauthorized access and external threats.

What support does BigCheese offer post-implementation of an AI/ML system?

We provide continuous support and monitoring of your IA/ML systems to ensure optimal performance and resolve any issues quickly, keeping your operations uninterrupted and at maximum efficiency.

How does BigCheese ensure business continuity during migration?

We implement migration strategies that minimize operational disruption, ensuring business continuity. This includes performing phased and off-peak migrations, as well as establishing appropriate redundancies.

Does BigCheese offer customized solutions if our needs do not fully align with standard AWS services?

Yes, BigCheese specializes in creating customized solutions that are tailored to each client’s specific needs. We evaluate your unique requirements and tailor or develop functionality on AWS to meet your objectives.

How can BigCheese help reduce operational costs once the migration to AWS is complete?

We work with you to implement AWS cost management practices, such as right-sizing resources, reserving instances for long-term savings, and automating to improve efficiency. Our focus on continuous resource optimization ensures that you only pay for what you need.

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