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At BigCheese, we optimize software development with effective solutions. Inception: We establish requirements and strategies from the beginning, aligning the project with business goals. Low Code MVP: We speed up the creation of prototypes to validate ideas efficiently, ideal for startups. Tailor-Dev: We offer customized development, integrating innovative technologies for complex projects. Cloud Native: We develop applications to maximize the benefits of the cloud, improving scalability and costs. Microservices-based Development: We implement microservices that improve agility and scalability, facilitating DevOps management.

Start your project with BigCheese for agile and custom development: low-code MVP, Cloud Native solutions and microservices. Get started now!



BigCheese’s Inception service defines the requirements and strategies of the project in its initial phase. We ensure that development is aligned with business needs and strategic objectives, facilitating successful execution.


Low Code MVP:

Our Low Code MVP service accelerates the development of functional prototypes, enabling companies to validate ideas quickly and cost-effectively. Ideal for startups and companies looking for agility in product launches.



BigCheese’s Tailor-Dev offers customized software development, integrating industry-specific technological innovations. We provide solutions that exceed expectations in complex projects that require detailed attention.


Cloud Native:

We develop Cloud Native applications designed to maximize the advantages of the cloud, offering scalability, flexibility and robustness. This approach optimizes performance and reduces costs, ensuring resilient and self-healing applications.


Microservices-based Development

BigCheese implements microservices to improve agility and scalability. This approach divides applications into small services that communicate via APIs, facilitating rapid updates and minimizing risk, ideal for advanced DevOps practices.

BigCheese is leading the migration to AWS with the ‘’ approach, starting with a detailed assessment to determine the best strategies and technologies. We conduct PoCs to demonstrate efficiency prior to full-scale implementation. with AWS and BigCheese.

Start now with an initial version to get the idea off the ground and launch it as soon as possible to learn how to use it. We love to think the project together, as a team, so that the idea takes shape and is implemented as soon as possible, agile.

Cloud Natives:

As pioneers in cloud technologies, BigCheese employs cloud-native architectures to develop MVPs, ensuring fast, scalable and flexible solutions that easily adapt to changing market demands.

Low Code experience:

With a decade of experience in Low Code development, BigCheese accelerates the MVP development process, enabling fast and efficient iteration. This approach significantly reduces time-to-market and development costs.

Agile and DevOps culture:

We strongly believe in Agile and DevOps culture, integrating these methodologies in all our MVP projects to ensure continuous improvements and fast delivery. This collaborative and flexible approach maximizes development efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Didactics at Inception:

Our professionals, who are also teachers, conduct highly didactic inception sessions, ensuring that all stakeholders clearly understand the project, its objectives and methodologies. This ensures alignment and understanding from the beginning of MVP development.

Personalized Approach:

BigCheese takes a customized approach to each MVP, working closely with clients to understand their specific needs and delivering solutions that are precisely aligned with their business objectives. This level of customization ensures that the MVP is not only viable but also strategically valuable to the customer.

Adaptation to Local Markets:

We adapt AWS solutions to the particularities of each local market (e.g. size), and ensure that they comply with specific regulations and cultural needs, optimizing their effectiveness and relevance.


to your questions

What is an MVP (Minimum Viable Product)?

An MVP is a basic version of a product that includes only the essential features to be launched to the market. It allows companies to test an idea with real users using as little effort as possible, maximizing the efficiency of learning about customer preferences.

What does an Inception involve in software development?

An Inception is an initial phase in software development where the objectives, scope and requirements of the project are defined. It is a collaborative session that involves all stakeholders to ensure that all aspects of the project are clear and aligned before development begins.

What is the Agile methodology?

Agile is a software project management methodology that promotes continuous delivery, intense collaboration and adaptability throughout the development process. It focuses on short iterations called sprints, allowing for quick adjustments based on user feedback.

What does it mean to be a Cloud Native developer?

Cloud Native Development refers to the creation of applications specifically designed to take advantage of cloud infrastructure. This includes scalability, flexibility and resiliency, enabling applications to maximize performance and efficiency in cloud environments.

How can BigCheese help in the development of an MVP?

BigCheese uses its expertise in Agile development, Low Code techniques and Cloud Native architectures to build MVPs quickly and efficiently. We work closely with customers to ensure that the MVP accurately reflects end-user needs and business objectives.

What are the benefits of developing an MVP with a Cloud Native strategy?

Developing an MVP using a Cloud Native strategy offers benefits such as faster development speed, better resource management and easy scalability. This allows companies to respond quickly to market demands and scale their product without large upfront investments.

Why is it important to integrate Agile methodology in the development of an MVP?

Integrating Agile into the development of an MVP allows for greater flexibility and adaptability during the product creation process. It facilitates the incorporation of changes based on user feedback, thus continuously improving the product and increasing the chances of market success.

How does BigCheese ensure business continuity during migration?

We implement migration strategies that minimize operational disruption, ensuring business continuity. This includes performing phased and off-peak migrations, as well as establishing appropriate redundancies.

Does BigCheese offer customized solutions if our needs do not fully align with standard AWS services?

Yes, BigCheese specializes in creating customized solutions that are tailored to each client’s specific needs. We evaluate your unique requirements and tailor or develop functionality on AWS to meet your objectives.

How can BigCheese help reduce operational costs once the migration to AWS is complete?

We work with you to implement AWS cost management practices, such as right-sizing resources, reserving instances for long-term savings, and automating to improve efficiency. Our focus on continuous resource optimization ensures that you only pay for what you need.

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