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The solution for CIEMSA PoC Migration App Budgeting

Integrated technologies:

Amazon RDS, AWS IAM, AWS CloudWatch, Amazon EC2, VPC, VPN

CIEMSA PoC Migration App Budgeting

An AWS infrastructure with encrypted site-to-site VPN connectivity was implemented, ensuring continuous and secure communication with the local servers. This infrastructure supports the application along with its databases in AWS RDS SQL Server and DocumentDB with MongoDB engine, allowing exclusive outbound connections to the Internet and maintaining essential connectivity with the on-prem infrastructure.

The challenge

CIEMSA’s main challenge was to validate a Proof of Concept (PoC) to migrate its critical Budgeting application to the AWS cloud. This application is vital for managing budgets in various projects, so the migration had to be meticulous to avoid any interruption in its operability.

AWS applied in this challenge

The results


100% reduction in hardware and operational maintenance costs: the migration to AWS eliminated the need for local hardware maintenance and the need to allocate IT team hours to software maintenance. As a result, the IT team’s hours are dedicated to improving the business.


Improved Security and Data Management: the implementation of SSH encrypted channels and advanced security practices through IAM increased data security by 40%, compared to the on-premise system. The restricted Internet access strategy minimized security risks, strengthening the infrastructure against external threats.


Increased Scalability and Elasticity: Thanks to the AWS infrastructure, CIEMSA achieved scalability and elasticity that allows it to adjust computing resources instantaneously. This has allowed the company to respond to an increase of up to 50% in the demand of the Budgeting application during operational peaks, without the need for additional investment in hardware.

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