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The solution for ANII

AWS technologies:

Amazon EC2, Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon S3, Amazon CloudFront, Amazon RDS, AWS Lambda, AWS Organizations, AWS VPN, Amazon API Gateway


The National Agency for Research and Innovation (ANII) is a governmental entity that promotes research and the application of new knowledge to the productive and social reality of Uruguay.

ANII makes funds available to the public for research projects, national and international postgraduate scholarships, and incentive programs for innovative culture and entrepreneurship, both in the public and private sectors.

ANII analyzed the National System of Researchers, an economic incentive program for national researchers categorized on the basis of a strict evaluation system.

He also created the TimbóPortal, which allows free access to all types of scientific publications from all over the world for all Uruguayans. ANII functions as a mechanism for articulation and coordination among the actors involved in the development of knowledge, research and innovation.

The challenge

ANII has a wide variety of systems, web and mobile applications, which are accessed indistinctly and independently by its more than 80,000 users, including researchers, entrepreneurs and the general public.

The challenge, then, is to provide a seamless user experience, with a centralized point of registration, login and user data management, making it possible to switch between applications without having to re-authenticate to any particular system. This solution also optimizes the time spent on user management.

AWS applied in this challenge

The results


With the SSO solution we optimize the time spent on administrative, operational and user support tasks by 50%.


By having a single point of registration and login that spans multiple platforms in the ANII ecosystem, users save between 100% and 800% of the time spent registering or authenticating (the percentage improvement depends on the number of platforms the user uses).


Unifying access to the ANII ecosystem at a single point of entry allowed the concentration of security efforts at a single point, thus reducing cybersecurity tasks by 800%.

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