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The solution for MiDinero

AWS technologies:

Amazon Fargate, Amazon RDS, AWS Batch, AWS WAF, Amazon Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon VPN, Amazon CodePipeline, Amazon CodeBuild, Amazon EventBridge, AWS Organization, Amazon CloudWatch.


Midinero is a Uruguayan digital platform that offers personalized financial services to its users. Through its website and mobile application, customers can perform banking transactions, apply for loans and credit cards, access information and financial education tools, among other services. With a focus on transparency and simplicity, Midinero seeks to simplify and optimize the personal finances of its users in Uruguay.

The challenge

Migrate Midinero’s Bank Transfer Engine (MTB) from On-Premise to the AWS Cloud ensuring security and availability of the system, as it is a critical component in a highly sensitive industry and subject to strict financial data regulation standards. In addition, it was necessary to ensure that the migration did not affect the quality of customer service and that the transition was as smooth as possible.

AWS applied in this challenge

The results


Infrastructure costs were reduced by 40%, mainly due to the elastic nature of AWS Fargate, which auto-scales to constantly adapt to resource requirements.


The adoption of DevOps practices through AWS CodePipeline reduced the complexity and risk of new release deployments.


By being able to run batch jobs more frequently and efficiently, the waiting time for customers to complete transfers between Midinero and the banks is now 4 times shorter than before.

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